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心理健康和身体健康同样重要. 然而, 作为生活在快节奏城市环境中的公民, 我们是否像照顾身体一样积极地照顾我们的思想? A 最近的研究 showed that the impact of mental health and stress in the workplace is now at an all-time high. 压力是...




心理健康和身体健康同样重要. 然而, 作为生活在快节奏城市环境中的公民, 我们是否像照顾身体一样积极地照顾我们的思想?

A 最近的研究 showed that the impact of mental health and stress in the workplace is now at an all-time high. 压力是 the leading cause of long-term absence (53 per cent) and the second-highest cause of short-term absence (47 per cent).

在工作时, 或者在我们的日常生活中, 我们可以做很多事情来确保健康的精神状态. 五个简单的步骤可以带来很大的不同,包括:锻炼, 与自然的联系, 健康饮食, 创造力, 和学习.

其中许多步骤都需要行为上的改变,但如果我们 城市 and the places where we live, heal, learn and move were designed with our mental 心中的幸福?


锻炼有很多好处 心理健康益处包括缓解压力, 改善记忆,更好的睡眠和 提升你的整体情绪. It can give you a ‘sense of feeling good’ and helps us feel connected to our community and surroundings; in essence it can give us a sense of purpose.

今天, 许多雇主正在制定健康和锻炼计划, 哪些是得到大学认可的, 如 加州大学洛杉矶分校. As designers, we must be cognisant of supporting these trends, and explore initiatives 如 the WELL建筑标准TM “健身”是其认证的一部分.

职场之外, 在公众场合运动, urban environments is not favourable for people that suffer from mental health issues, 尤其是那些患有焦虑症的人. 的 城市设计和心理健康中心 倡导框架 “注意缝隙” :绿色场所、活跃场所、亲社会场所、安全场所. 这个城市设计框架解决了许多问题, but in the case of exercise it aims to promote fitness and wellbeing whilst addressing citizen’s mental wellbeing.

锻炼是健康的基石 身心健康. Recent research shows that people who cycle and walk to work live longer and are at lower risk of 罹患癌症 和心脏病的风险. A meta-analysis of other studies on the subject found that for people already suffering from depression, physical activity can be as effective as psychotherapeutic techniques to treat the disorder.


Business Insider杂志最近报道 11个科学原因 为什么亲近自然会让你快乐. 改善短期记忆, stress relief and improved concentration were a few of the benefits outlined in the article.

我们都认识到,城市和城镇中的绿色开放空间 对我们有好处但是我们能接受这个吗 更进一步? 保健方案,包括 绿色保健 会影响我们在城市中设计的绿色空间类型吗. 它鼓励像护理农业这样的活动, 环境保护, 以及社会和治疗园艺. We have to remember that nature doesn’t just encapsulate flora and fauna, but wildlife too.

A 最近的研究 by University of Derby and 的 Wildlife Trusts following their 《AG真人试玩网址》 campaign reported that that the number of people reporting their health as “excellent” 增加30%. 野生动物基金会说:

“We hope that [these] results show how nature isn’t just a nice thing to have – although it has a huge value in itself – it’s fundamentally important for our health, wellbeing and happiness and that ought to be reflected in our education system, 我们对待身体或精神疾病的方式, in the way we build infrastructure and houses and in how we access and protect green spaces in 城市. Ultimately we want to see everyone taking action to restore nature – for nature’s sake and for ours.”


Our diet is pinnacle to our mental wellbeing and the way we are feeling. 该慈善机构 重新思考精神疾病 最近推广了一本由 雷切尔·凯利, a writer and mental health campaigner called ‘的 Happy Kitchen: Mood Boost Food’. 有趣的是, her thinking isn’t just about ‘happy foods’ 如 leafy vegetables, 黑巧克力和油性鱼类, but the act of cooking itself as an approach to better mental health.

但生活在城市并不总是有利于健康饮食, 哪里的城市大街上到处都是不健康的东西, 快餐店,尤其是在 贫困地区. 让人们更容易获得健康食品, 这是关于正确的地方和国家政策, 良好的城市规划, 教育和倡议,如 吃得好,动得多,塑形行动计划2017-2020 由布莱克本和达尔文自治市议会发起.

关于食物的教育非常重要,尤其是对儿童. 的 世界卫生组织 states that between 10% and 20% of children and adolescents experience mental health disorders. 从设计的角度来看, 我们必须帮助创造健康的学习环境, 为儿童提供常规营养食品, 水的补充和景观美化,促进 粮食生产.


创造性活动,如音乐, 视觉艺术, 跳舞和写作可以提高记忆力, 沟通技巧, 情绪恢复, 改善感官. 随着年龄的增长,创造力也会下降 认知能力下降.

根据 全球健康研究所, arts and 创造力 are taking centre stage as catalysts to wellbeing. 最近的 涂色书热潮, is one of the outcomes of this trend that shows that citizens are embracing the link between 创造力 and mental wellbeing.

的 question is, can urban design and architecture make us more creative? 在商业和社会层面上,我们塑造自己的方式 城市和建筑 能激发合作、生产力和创新吗. From social hearts where people come together to undertake creative activities through to 文化区,创意集群 创新区,我们看到了证据 创造力塑造了我们的城市环境.



学习 supports mental wellbeing by creating a sense of achievement and 信心. 《AG平台》报道称,这种追求 终身学习 对你的健康有益吗, 从播客到社交烹饪课程, 每种学习方式都有适合自己的方法.

在我们的城市,教育正在发生变化. 无论是儿童还是成人, we no longer have to sit within the four walls of an education building to learn. 技术和向 实地学习 意味着你当地的社区, 哪个国家有丰富的文化和历史, 以及社交和数字连接, 现在是沉浸式学习区吗.

So, 从个人和城市规划师的角度来看, it is important to remember that there is a fragile interconnection between our minds and our 城市

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